Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Trade In to get new car.

Cara Trade In Kereta Yang Belum Habis Bayar
Sebenarnya tajuk yang lebih sesuai dengan posting kali ini ialah bagaimana nak beli kereta dengan cara trade in kereta yang masih ada hutang dengan bank.. erk.. panjang pulak tajuknya..hehe

Aku tengok kat status pelawat blog ni ramai yang sesat sini untuk cari panduan untuk trade in kereta. Jadi kali ni aku merajinkan diri untuk menjelaskan cara-cara jual beli tersebut. Ini adalah berdasarkan pengalaman aku yang mungkin dah lima enam kali juga menjalankan aktiviti menambah hutang ni.

Dalam kes ini, kereta yang aku nak jadikan sebagai contoh ialah sebuah Perodua Myvi 1.3 manual buatan tahun 2005. (Ini sebagai contoh ajer... tak der kena mengena samada yang telah hidup atau yang masih mati)

Ini detailnya :-
Jenis Kereta : Myvi 1.3 (M) 2005
Beli : (Baru) November 2005 (start bayar Disember 2012)
Harga Atas Jalan(Termasuk Insuran Road Tax): RM47,000
Deposit : RM5,000
Loan : RM42,000
Jangkamasa Hutang: 9 Tahun (108 Bulan)
Interest: 3.5% = RM13,230 (9 tahun)
Jumlah kena bayar: RM42,000 + RM13,230 = RM55,230
Ansuran bulanan: RM512 (Sepatutnya RM511.39.. jadi bulan terakhir bayar kuranglah)

Info kat atas tu boleh cari kat aggreement yang bank bagi masa kita beli kereta dulu.

Sebelum terjah ke kedai kereta, lebih baiklah buat anggaran kira-kira terlebih dahulu.

1. Jumlah Hutang Yang Tinggal (Settlement)

Mula-mula kita kena tengok dulu berapa hutang yang tinggal. Takut-takut, harga market kereta tak boleh cover hutang kita tu pulak... macam mana nak beli kereta lain kalau macam tu..! Biasanya kalau loan kereta 9 tahun kenalah pakai lebih kurang 5 tahun baru ada balance untuk dijadikan muka kereta baru. Kalau loan 7 tahun, rasanya bayar kat bank 3 tahun dah ok kot. Kena kira lah dulu.

Bila kita trade in kereta, sebenarnya kita akan dikira bayar lump sum kat bank hutang kereta kita tu. Kita bayar habis (kononnya), jadi bank akan suka hati (kononnya) so dia bagi kita rebet pasal habiskan bayar hutang lebih awal dari jadual. Setelah ditolak rebet, hutang kita pada bank akan jadi kurang. (Jumlah hutang yang tinggal ni dipanggil 'settlement')

Berdasarkan info kat atas tu:
Kononnya aku nak jual kereta tu pada bulan ni (Mei 2012 ).
Aku dah bayar selama 78 bulan iaitu RM39,936.
Ikut jadual hutang kita ialah RM55,230 - RM 39,936 = RM15,294 (Tinggal 2 tahun setengah jer)
RM15, 294 adalah hutang sebenar. Tapi pasal kita akan clearkan hutang 2 tahun setengah lebih awal. Maka bank akan bagi rebet. Jadi berapa hutang aku?

Pergi kat link sini Autoworld-Car Loan Settlement Calculator dan isikan maklumat yang sepatutnya seperti gambar di bawah ni:

Dari gambar atas ni, jumlah yang aku kena bayar kat bank ialah RM14,316.00 (dibulatkan). Rebet yang aku dapat ialah RM977.75. Sikit jer, pasal tinggal 2 tahun setengah jer.

Ini anggaran jer tau. Kalau nak tahu jumlah yang tepat kena telefon bank. Bank akan tanya tarikh sebenar nak jual kereta tu, dan kira berdasarkan tarikh tersebut.

2. Nilai Harga Pasaran Kereta Lama

Sekarang kita dah tahu hutang bank aku. Langkah seterusnya ialah survey harga pasaran untuk kereta aku tu. Kena cek sendirilah samada cara online atau cek kat kedai kereta terpakai di kawasan kita.

Sebagai contoh:  Harga Myvi 2005 di

Website lain untuk survey harga kereta:

Kalau dilihat dari laman web harga bagi sebuah kereta Perodua Myvi manual tahun 2005 di Johor ialah lebih kurang RM25,000. 

Itu harga market. Bukan harga tokey kedai 2nd nak beli dari kita. Biasanya tokey kedai 2nd ni memanglah cekik darah tahap giler babun punya. Paling tinggi pun mungkin dia nak ambik Myvi aku tu ialah RM20,000.

(Sebenarnya kalau kita nak trade-in kereta tu, dan beli kereta lain di kedai yang sama (kereta 2nd juga), biasanya salesman akan ambik kereta kita dengan lebih tinggi. Tapi kalau beli kereta baru, biasanya diorang akan ambik kereta kita pada harga serendah yang mungkin, sampai kita rasa nak nangis jer...hahaha.)

3. Downpayment Kereta Baru

Bila dah tahu settlement yang kena bayar dan anggaran harga pasaran semasa kereta kita, barulah kita boleh kira berapa downpayment yang kita dapat letak untuk kereta baru kita tu. Dalam hal ni, kereta baru yang aku maksudkan ialah kereta yang kita nak beli selepas ini, (tak semestinya kereta BARU).
Harga pasaran kereta lama: RM20,000
Settlement bank: RM14,316
Baki yang tinggal: RM5,684 
(amacam? nak nangis tak? bayar kereta 7 tahun lebih tapi cuma 5 ribu lebih jer yang tinggal..)

Biasanya, bank akan bagi loan sebanyak 90% sahaja dari harga kereta. Dari baki sebanyak itu aku cuma boleh beli kereta yang berharga lebih kurang RM56,000 sahaja. Tapi sebenarnya aku nak beli Proton baru tu.. apa tu.. Proton Preve.. Harga dia yang spec paling tinggi ialah lebih kurang RM72,990 (Harga atas jalan termasuk insuran dan road tax).

10% dari RM72,990 diperlukan sebagai downpayment iaitu RM7,299.
Perlukan lagi RM1,615. (Aiseyyy..! Mana nak cekau ni!)

Nanti dulu! Ini selalu orang lupa.
NCD (No claim discount) aku ada 55%. (NCD ni cuma bagi mereka yg dah ada insuran kereta lama lepas tu nak trade in. Kalau tak pernah beli kereta tak ada NCD) Harga Preve tu adalah harga atas jalan iaitu termasuk insuran dan road tax. Setelah dikira dari sini (Car Insurans Calculator), insuran Preve ialah lebih kurang RM2,100. NCD 55% dari RM2,100 ialah RM1,155. Oleh itu harga Proton Preve setelah ditolak NCD ialah 71,835. Bermakna perlukan RM7,184 sebagai downpayment.

Setelah ditolak balance kereta Myvi tu aku perlukan RM1500 sahaja. Kalaulah Proton ada bagi diskaun RM1000-1500 tak payahlah aku nak tambah duit poket. (biasanya kereta yang baru dilancarkan memang tak ada diskaun). Kalau nak tunggu diskaun, belilah kereta time musim perayaan, Raya Puasa ke, Gong Xi Fat Chai ke, ataupun jualan akhir tahun. Tapi kadang-kadang ada juga diskaun dari salesman sendiri... kena tanyalah kat salesman.

Dalam kes ini aku kenalah keluar duit poket sebanyak RM1500 untuk genapkan downpayment kepada RM7184. (Tapi biasanya diorang genapkan jadi RM7,200 lah untuk senang kira nak buat loan.)

Berapa sebulan aku kena bayar?

Harga kereta: RM71,835
Downpaymanet: RM7,184
Interest: 2.8% (ini kena tanya bank atau salesman)
Jangkamasa bayaran: 108 bulan (9 tahun)

loan = harga kereta - downpayment
       = 64,651

interest = loan x 2.8/100 x 9
            = 16,292

ansuran bulanan = (interest + loan) / 108
                         = 749.47

Nak senang kira pergi sini Car Loan Payment Calculator

4. Pergi ke kedai Kereta

Bila dah buat kira-kira dan anggaran, barulah ke kedai kereta. Carilah salesman yang muka agak baik dan cakaplah nak beli kereta. (Walaupun muka baik, janganlah percaya sangat salesman kereta ni woi..) Lepas tu bagitau dia sekali ada kereta lama nak trade-in. Bandingkan dengan anggaran yang dah dibuat dengan kira-kira yang di buat oleh salesman agar tidak dicekik banyak sangat.

Macam kes aku nak beli Proton Preve ni (kononnya), maka aku akan ke kedai Proton yang aku rasa best untuk tanya-tanya pasal pembelian kereta baru ni(bukan yang paling hampir ye...).

Biasanya bila dibagi tahu kita ada kereta lama nak trade-in, salesman ni akan contact dealer kereta secondhand (dari luar), untuk tanya harga kereta kita tu untuk ditolak. Lepas tu tanya kita setuju tak dengan harga tu. Bandingkanlah dengan anggaran yang kita dah buat kat rumah. Kalau lari jauh sangat, cakaplah tak setuju. Suruh salesman tu cari dealer lain, ataupun kita cari salesman lain atau cari branch lain.

Bila dah dapat harga yang kita suka, salesman akan buat kira-kira. Berapa kemampuan kita dari gaji, berapa downpayment, berapa bayaran ansuran, berapa diskaun, apa dokumen yang diperlukan dan lain-lain. Jika dah suka, jangan setuju dulu. Ambil kertas kira-kira tu dan bawak balik. Pertimbangkanlah dulu sampai betul-betul puas hati. Kalau yang Islam tu, buatlah solat istikharah, mintak petunjuk dari Allah. Mudah-mudahan kita buat keputusan yang betul.

5. Pergi ke Kedai Kereta Lagi

Bila dah setuju, sediakanlah dokumen-dokumen yang patut. Kebiasaanya dokumen yang diperlukan ialah:

Makan gaji:

1. Slip gaji 3 bulan
2. Borang EA/ slip income tax
3. Mykad dan lesen
4. Kalau ada lain-lain pendapatan sertakan bukti (slip gaji, buku bank atau apa-apa yang patut)

Kerja sendiri

1. Bank statement 6 bulan
2. Pendaftaran perniagaan (ROB), (termasuk slip butir2 pemilik).
3. Penyata Income Tax
4. Mykad dan lesen
5. Kalau dalam bank/ASB ada banyak duit.. bawak buku akaun.

Pastikan slip gaji atau bank statement adalah bersesuaian dengan harga kereta yang kita nak beli! Kalau tak nanti sesia jer kena reject mentah-mentah.

Jumpa dengan salesman yang kita jumpa hari tu, dan cakaplah kita dah bersetuju untuk membeli kereta. Bagi semua dokumen yang dia mintak dan bayar duit booking. Duit booking mungkin dalam RM100-200, bergantung. Jangan bayar downpayment dulu. Setiap bayaran yang dibuat mesti mintak resit rasmi.

Duit booking ni nanti akan ditolak daripada duit downpayment.

6. Tunggu Bank Telefon.

Sekarang ni nak buat loan kereta dah agak susah, pasal Bank Negara dah ketatkan lagi syarat-syarat nak bagi loan. Kalau dulu senang jer. Nak beli kereta yang ansurang bulanan RM500, ko kena ada gaji kasar 3 kali ganda iaitu sebanyak RM1500. Sekarang ni, dah tak boleh gaji kasar. Kena kira gaji bersih. Maknanya kira epf, hutang rumah, hutang kad kredit, status perkahwinan, berapa anak, sejarah bayar hutang dan macam-macam lagi. Senang cakap, kalau nak beli kereta bayar ansuran RM500, kena gaji lebih kurang RM2,500 baru senang nak lulus loan... hahaha.. 

Kalau ada blacklist CTOC atau CCRIS, lagilah susah. Macam tak boleh lulus jer. Jangan berharap sangatlah kalau nama blacklist (kecuali kalau pakai orang dalamlah kot). Tapi semuanya bergantung pada bank juga. Ada juga yang nama blacklist, tapi bank luluskan loan dia, mungkin pasal orang tu sangat loaded ataupun mempunyai sejarah yang sangat baik dalam aktiviti membayar hutang agaknya.

Satu dua hari lepas kita submit dokumen, bank akan telefon untuk interview mengenai loan yang kita nak buat dan untuk pengesahan kerja dan pendapatan dan lain-lain. Pastikan handphone sentiasa disisi. Kat office pulak, bagi tau dan pakatlah dengan sesiapa yang berkenaan.

Biasanya kalau bank telefon sebelah pagi, sebelah petang dah boleh tahu lulus atau tak loan kita tu. Kalau tak sabar boleh telefon salesman kereta tu cepat-cepat... hahaha

Sambil tu, kalau nak beli no plat yang kita suka, cepat-cepat bagi tahu salesman. Salesman akan mintak bayaran yang sepatutnya untuk tender nombor tu. Taklah mahal sangat, kalau nombor-nombor biasa dalam RM250-RM350 jer. Yang popular sekarang ni, suka nombor plat 3 digit,... bagitahulah kat salesman tu, nak nombor 3 digit.. tak kisahlah apa-apa pun. Kalau nak nombor 2 digit.. mahal tuu..

Kalau nak beli nombor sendiri kat JPJ pun senang ajer. Pergi jer ke JPJ. Tapi lain kalilah aku cerita.

7. Sign Aggreement.

Bila dah lulus, dalam satu dua hari salesman akan telefon suruh datang. Tapi sebelum datang tu, kasi clear dulu barang-barang dalam kereta lama. Sebab lepas ni nak serah kereta lama tu. Nak peluk ker nak cium ker, nak nangis air mata perpisahan ke..nak basuh kali terakhir ker.. buatlah kat rumah.

Bila dah settle datanglah seperti waktu yang dijanjikan untuk sign aggreement bank, termasuklah sign surat serah kereta lama, insuran dan lain-lain (banyak tu). Lepas sign, barulah bayar duit downpayment dan jangan lupa mintak resitnya.

Masa ni kena serahlah kunci kereta lama. Pandai-pandailah nak balik macam mana. Tapi kalau salesman tu baik hati dan pandai ambik hati, dia akan bagi pinjam kereta lain buat sementara waktu.

Kalau beli kereta second hand, lepas sign aggreement dah boleh terus bawak balik kereta barulah.

Hutang kereta kita yang tinggal kat bank akan dibayar oleh dealer kereta secondhand. Diorang takkan tukar nama selagi kereta lama kita tu tak dibeli oleh orang lain. Kadang-kadang (selalu juga), diorang tak bayar sampai dua tiga bulan, dan bank akan tak habis-habis call kita.

Benda ni aku rasa memang satu kelemahan dalam sistem jual beli kereta dalam negara kita yang menjadikan pengguna sebagai mangsa. Tak ada perlindungan bagi pengguna. Kalau apa-apa berlaku kepada kereta lama kita tu, (yang belum disettlekan bayaran), bank tetap akan cari kita, dan nama kita juga yang akan black list. Memang banyaklah perkara-perkara ngeri yang belaku disebabkan oleh benda-benda macam ni. Nak cerita pun, kena buat tajuk lain...

Apa yang kita boleh buat cuma call salesman atau dealer kereta tu sajer, suruh diorang bayar cepat.

Tapi ada cara yang lebih selamat iaitu, kita cari buyer kereta lama tu sendiri. Letaklah iklan kat surat khabar ke, kat majalah motortrader, kat internet, tanya kawan-kawan, adik beradik, saudara mara dan lain-lain.

Bila dah jumpa pembeli, pembeli tu kena buat loan baru dari bank untuk beli kereta lama kita. Jangan main sambung bayar jer. Cara jual beli kereta main sambung bayar ni memang macam nak gantung diri jer. Bahaya! Walaupun adik beradik atau kawan baik. Tak pasal-pasal boleh putus kawan atau perang saudara nanti.

Lepas loan lulus nanti kena gi JPJ submit dokumen pindah milik dan lain-lain lagilah. Tapi memang lecehlah kalau proses sendiri. Yang mudah, suruh salesman kereta buatkan jer... tapi kena cekik sikitlah.

8. Ambil Kereta Baru.

Biasanya salesman akan janjilah berapa hari kereta kita boleh keluar. Mungkin dalam dua tiga harilah macam tu. Masa serahan tu ceklah betul-betul keadaan kereta tu. Kalau boleh bawaklah orang yang berpengalaman. Kalau ada cacat cela, terus jer komplen kat salesman.

Bila dah settle. Jangan lupa mintak free gift. Kalau salesman tu pandai, dia akan bagi juga apa-apalah sebagai free gift. Dapat setereng lock atau minyak wangi pun dah okay. Bukan apa, untuk buat customer dia rasa seronok dapat hadiah... walaupun tak seberapa.

Bila dah bawak balik, buatlah apa-apa yang patut... nak buat doa selamat ke, nak mandikan ker..

Masa yang diambil dari mula-mula submit dokumen kat salesman sampailah dapat kereta ambil masa dalam 5 hari bekerja... itu paling cepatlah. Kalau paling lambat pun dua minggu. Itu kalau ada stok. Kalau tak ada stok.. kena tunggu stok dululah.

Itulah sahaja pengalaman yang aku nak share. Bukannya semua mesti berlaku seperti apa yang aku ceritakan, tapi cukup sebagai panduan dan idea bagi sesiapa yang sedang berangan nak beli kereta baru tapi tak ada clue langsung macam mana nak mula.

Teringat dulu masa first time aku nak beli kereta 2nd hand dengan trade in kereta lama. Aku terus terjah kedai kereta, "Boss, saya nak ambik Wira merah in Iswara saya... boleh tak?". Salesman tu terus telefon sana sini.. dalam 10 minit. "Oh.. bole bole".. mintak dokumen.. lepas 3-4 hari dia suruh datang ambik. Aku tak tahulah untung rugi aku masa tu... hahaha...

Artikel ni perkongsian pengalaman jer. Aku takkan bertanggungjawab jika berlakunya apa-apa kerugian atau apa-apa kesilapan yang disebabkan oleh artikel ini... hehehe...pandai-pandailah nak idup.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Traitor got 7 years jail

A traitor get seven years jail? Is that fair enough? with so much blood spill the punishment was not fair for the family who lost their love one. But... we must accept the judgement made by the authority. Save Sabah and Peace....HG

A police detective corporal was handed a maximum sentence of seven years by the High Court, Tuesday, for intentionally omitting information related to terrorist acts. Judge Ravinthran Paramaguru meted out the sentence to Hassan Hj Ali Basari, who was attached to the Lahad Datu Special Branch, after finding him guilty of the charge. Ravinthran said the security of Malaysia, in particular Sabah, was jeopardised due to Hassan's act of not disclosing the vital information.

Hassan, 61, was convicted of committing the offence between January and March 3 this year in the office of the Special Branch chief at the Lahad Datu Police Headquarters. The charge, under Section 130M of the Penal Code, carries a jail term of up to seven years or fine or both on conviction. Hassan, who has been held under remand since his arrest, was ordered to serve the jail term from the date of his arrest on March 2.

Hassan was calm during the sentencing, shook hands and was hugged by family members who were in tears and looked frustrated over the sentence, before he was whisked away from the courtroom. Ravinthran held that based on three crucial evidences as well as Hassan's unsworn statement, he found that it does not raise any reasonable doubt.

The crucial evidences Ravinthran said were that that the prosecution's first protected witness gave information about those who were about to enter Sabah in January this year and the two intercepted communications were corroborative as well as information on future landing that never took place. Although it had not taken place and even if not committed, Hassan ought to give such information to his superior, said Ravinthran.

"You were a Special Branch personnel based in Lahad Datu where the intrusion took place. You received this information and did not disclose it. Therefore you stand in a different case as you are legally bound to do so. "Although you have served 38 years with the police, it is insignificant to the offence committed. Therefore, very little credit to a long service. Health factor should not be given any credit because you are healthy enough to work," said Ravinthran.

Earlier, one of Hassan's counsel, Ram Singh, requested for a lenient sentence on the grounds that Hassan has been working for the police since 1975, was a first offender and never had any trouble or committed any offence before.

Ram said Hassan still believed that he is innocent and a victim of circumstances. However, Deputy Public Prosecutor Dato' Nordin Hassan urged the court to impose the maximum punishment to Hassan as it was the only appropriate sentence for the offence committed by Hassan as well as serve as a warning and deter others from committing the same.

"The consequence of his omission is very serious and unacceptable by all Malaysians. Malaysia was intruded by armed terrorists from the Sulu Sultanate on Feb. 12 at Kg Tanduo. "Malaysia's sovereignty, security and standing was adversely affected not just in our eyes but also the world. This was, among others, caused by Hassan's omission from informing the information the first protected witness had given him, to his superior officers even though the said witness had reminded him to do so.

"The Malaysian security forces would have been better prepared to face the intrusion at Kg Tanduo or to avoid it from happening altogether had they the important information. "The intrusion of Kg Tanduo has become a black mark in the country's history and will be a bitter memory to all Malaysians who love their country," said Nordin.

Because of the intrusion by the terrorists, a number of the country's armed forces were injured or killed while heroically defending the country's sovereignty, he added. "The government had to spend a lot of the people's money to deal with the intrusion by the terrorists to ensure the safety of the community. Many personal property such as houses were destroyed because of the intrusion.

"Hassan was given the responsibility by the Special Branch to collect information on the threat of the Sulu Sultanate but having received the information from the prosecution's first protected witness about the Sulu Sultanate's intention to intrude into Sabah, he intentionally omitted from informing the same to his superiors.

"This is clearly a dereliction of the accused's duty and treason against the country which he as a police personnel was bound to serve and protect," said Nordin. The prosecution had called 18 witnesses at the prosecution stage while Hassan gave his unsworn statement in his defence in the four day trial.

Nordin appeared together with DPPs Nazrul Nizam Mohd Zameri, Cheng Heng Kher and Anati Kisahi while Ram together with counsel Kamarudin Mohamad Chinki and YS Lo defended Hassan. The defence team said they would appeal against the court's decision.

Sources: Daily Express
Pictures: Daily Express

Favorites series: Counting car with Danny Koker

One of my favorite program at History Channel. I really admire it so much and I dream to have site like Danny Koker have!!. White people is more advance than Asian people but in a short time we can compete with them as long as we have guts and money.... yeaaa....HG

 Counting Cars is an American reality television series, shown on History, and produced by Leftfield Pictures. The series, which is the third spinoff of Pawn Stars, is filmed in Las Vegas, Nevada, where it chronicles the daily activities at Count's Kustoms, an automobile restoration and customization company owned and operated by Danny Koker, who previously appeared as a recurring expert on Pawn Stars. In a format similar to another Pawn Stars spinoff, American Restoration, the series follows Koker and his staff as they restore and modify classic automobiles and motorcycles. Counting Cars made its debut on History on Monday, August 13, 2012, at 10:30 pm ET after Pawn Stars, before assuming its regular time slot on Tuesdays at 10 pm ET, beginning on August 14, 2012.

Guest appearances have been made by Rick Harrison of Pawn Stars, Ziggy Marley, and Cassandra Peterson (aka Elvira, Mistress of the Dark).

Counting Cars is an American reality television series, shown on History, and produced by Leftfield Pictures. The series is the third spinoff of the TV series Pawn Stars, following American Restoration and Cajun Pawn Stars. It is filmed in Las Vegas, Nevada, where it chronicles the daily activities at Count's Kustoms, an automobile restoration and customization company owned and operated by Danny Koker, who previously appeared as a recurring expert on Pawn Stars. In a format similar to American Restoration, the series follows Koker and his staff as they restore and modify classic automobiles and motorcycles, and also documents the occasional conflict among the cast members.

The opening title sequence features Koker narrating the following introduction:

“Vegas is a gambling town. Most people bet with chips. I bet with rides. And I always go all in. I'm Danny, aka the Count and this is my all-star team. We find 'em, fix 'em, flip 'em and sometimes, I keep 'em. For my crew, every job is high stakes, and we can't afford to lose. This is Counting Cars.
The series made its debut on History on Monday, August 13, 2012, at 10:30 pm ET after Pawn Stars, before assuming its regular time slot on Tuesdays at 10 pm ET, beginning on August 14, 2012.[1][2]

Main article: List of Counting Cars episodes


Danny "The Count" Koker – Koker is the proprietor of "Count's Kustoms", a shop devoted to the repair and restoration of motor vehicles, automobiles and motorcycles in particular. The shop's name is derived from Koker's stint as part-owner of local independent station KFBT (now KVCW), during which he hosted a weekly B-movie showcase, Saturday Fright at the Movies, as "Count Cool Rider". Danny, who grew up in Cleveland and Detroit, is a self-taught mechanic who comes from a family of Ford Motor Company employees.He has over 50 cars in his personal collection, and is so obsessed with finding, buying and converting classic American muscle cars and motorcycles that when he sees a vehicle he admires, he will go out of his way to acquire it, even making on-the-spot purchase offers while cruising around Vegas with Kevin, or searching through parking lots at car shows. While he enjoys classic vehicles, Danny dislikes working on newer vehicles, and generally rejects offers to work on them. He has been running his business for over 15 years by the time of the series premiere, and was a recurring motorcycle and automobile restoration expert on Pawn Stars, first appearing in the third season episode "Getting a Head" in September 2010. He has also appeared as an expert on the Pawn Stars spinoff, American Restoration. In addition to Count's Kustoms, Koker also owns the Count's Vamp'd Rock Bar and Grill, and Count's Tattoo Company, a tattoo parlor at the Rio All Suite Hotel and Casino, that was formerly a partnership with Vince Neil.

Kevin – Danny's right-hand man and best friend for the past 20 years by the series premiere. He and Danny enjoy cruising around Vegas to look for vehicles to buy, and Danny tends to use Kevin as "collateral" when he takes a stranger’s car for a test drive. He has a son named Devin who has been racing the Legends Car that belongs to Count's Kustom since he was 13. Nicknamed "Cheeky", Devin started racing go-carts when he was 8, and appears in the episode "Dream On" (when he was almost 17), in which the Legend Car requires repairs. Kevin's brother, Steve, is Las Vegas attorney and judge who also owns a tow yard.

Horny Mike - An airbrush artist whose nickname is derived from his practice of putting 3-D horns on everything from vehicles to helmets to clothing.

Roli - Roli is the shop's detailer, responsible for cleaning and polishing of all the vehicles that Count's Kustoms works on. His thick Hungarian accent is often the source of amusement at the shop. According to Roli, the jobs in which he previously worked include driving an ambulance in the Army, working at a PVC pipe company; working as a transportation executive and working as a bodyguard, personal assistant and driver for the world's smallest man.

Big Ryan - At 6 feet 7 inches and 350 pounds, Ryan is Danny's project scout, parts expert and picker with over 15 years of experience.

Scott - Scott is the manager of Count's Kustoms, and Danny's bookkeeper, who maintains an accounting of the money on each project to make sure that they are profitable. Danny concedes that Scott is very good at his job, but can be "a real ass" at times, as Scott sometimes comes into conflict with Danny and the others over project budgets, project schedules, or instances in which Danny wishes to keep a vehicle instead of reselling it.

Shannon - Bike shop manager and lead builder whom Danny lauds for his fabrication and engineering skills, referring to him as "My A-Number One in the bike shop".

Ryan Ryan (not to be confused with Big Ryan) works with Shannon in the bike shop.

Grandpa - Employee who does body work at the shop. Though his nickname is derived from the fact that he is older than any of the other staff people, he says he can do twice the work they do any day of the week.  He is first identified by name and given dialogue in the Season 2 episode "Size Matters". Grandpa works with his son, Harry, a family man whom Grandpa describes as "the responsible one", in contrast to Grandpa himself.

George - One of the mechanics who has worked at the shop for years. One of his most prized possessions is a green, 1944 street rod pickup with purple flames.

Sources: Wikipedia
Pictures: Wikipedia



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